Books from Greece
Information on Foreign Rights, Contacts, Archives
Previous Fairs:
FRANKFURT: 16-20 October 2019, Hall 5.1/E131
BOLOGNA: 1-4 April 2019, Hall 29/D2
FRANKFURT: 10-14 October 2018, Hall 5.1/E133
BOLOGNA: 26-29 March 2018, Hall 22/B19
FRANKFURT: 11-15 October 2017, Hall 5.1/E133 & Hall 4.1/H34 (Volatilium)
Greece on the international scene
literary, historical and political works selected from contemporary greek titles
Well aware of the dialogue with a demanding international readership, Mikela Chartoulari and Vagelis Hatzivasiliou, renowned critics of long standing, recommend a vibrant list of varied works that were published or reprinted after 2008.
Η Ελλάδα στη διεθνή σκηνή
έργα λογοτεχνίας, ιστορίας και πολιτικής επιλεγμένα από τη σύγχρονη αγορά ελληνικού βιβλίου
Με το βλέμμα στραμμένο στον διάλογο με το διεθνές κοινό των απαιτητικών αναγνωστών, η Μικέλα Χαρτουλάρη και ο Βαγγέλης Χατζηβασιλείου, δύο ονόματα καταξιωμένα στον χώρο του ελληνικού βιβλίου, προτείνουν έναν δυναμικό κατάλογο τίτλων που εκδόθηκαν ή επανεκδόθηκαν μετά το 2008.
→Directory of Greek Publishers
Contains basic contact information for most of the Greek publishers. Currently, it is being updated (Oct-Dec 2016).
It is managed by the Hellenic Foundation for Culture.
deutsch–griechische Begegnungen
Eine Plattform der Kommunikation und des Austausches.
→greekpoetry now!
A web based platform with poems by emerging Greek poets, news, biographies and reviews, both in the Greek language and in English translation.
→Hellenic Foundation for Culture
At the present time the HFC is acting as the national book information centre and is responsible for all international book fairs.
→Hellenic Authors' Society
Founded in 1981, most notable Greek authors are members of this Society.
At the moment the website is only in Greek, please contact by email.
→The 54 issues of the ITHACA magazine
(2005-2010) with a lot of book presentations in English
→Archive of Greek Books in Translation
Last update: 2014