Books from Greece

Information on Foreign Rights, Contacts, Archives

Previous Fairs:
FRANKFURT: 16-20 October 2019, Hall 5.1/E131
BOLOGNA: 1-4 April 2019, Hall 29/D2
: 10-14 October 2018, Hall 5.1/E133
BOLOGNA: 26-29 March 2018, Hall 22/B19
FRANKFURT: 11-15 October 2017, Hall 5.1/E133 & Hall 4.1/H34 (Volatilium)


Greece on the international scene
literary, historical and political works selected from contemporary greek titles

Well aware of the dialogue with a demanding international readership, Mikela Chartoulari and Vagelis Hatzivasiliou, renowned critics of long standing, recommend a vibrant list of varied works that were published or reprinted after 2008.

Η Ελλάδα στη διεθνή σκηνή
έργα λογοτεχνίας, ιστορίας και πολιτικής επιλεγμένα από τη σύγχρονη αγορά ελληνικού βιβλίου

Με το βλέμμα στραμμένο στον διάλογο με το διεθνές κοινό των απαιτητικών αναγνωστών, η Μικέλα Χαρτουλάρη και ο Βαγγέλης Χατζηβασιλείου, δύο ονόματα καταξιωμένα στον χώρο του ελληνικού βιβλίου, προτείνουν έναν δυναμικό κατάλογο τίτλων που εκδόθηκαν ή επανεκδόθηκαν μετά το 2008.


Directory of Greek Publishers
Contains basic contact information for most of the Greek publishers. Currently, it is being updated (Oct-Dec 2016).
It is managed by the Hellenic Foundation for Culture.
deutsch–griechische Begegnungen
Eine Plattform der Kommunikation und des Austausches.

greekpoetry now!
A web based platform with poems by emerging Greek poets, news, biographies and reviews, both in the Greek language and in English translation.

Hellenic Foundation for Culture
At the present time the HFC is acting as the national book information centre and is responsible for all international book fairs.

Hellenic Authors' Society
Founded in 1981, most notable Greek authors are members of this Society.
At the moment the website is only in Greek, please contact by email.

The 54 issues of the ITHACA magazine
(2005-2010) with a lot of book presentations in English

Archive of Greek Books in Translation
Last update: 2014